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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope Prediction

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Aquarius for July 2024

Aquarius, July 2024 will set a lot of challenges for you, and you'll be able to use your unstoppable energy, which you'll be full of this month. Sports will give you your drive this month, which will positively affect your mood and your physical condition. You'll be quite restless, and you'll spend most of your free time on some sports trips or activities with your family and friends. However, you'll give the impression of a hectic and unstable person, and people around you won't like it. You might experience some rejections of your adventure ideas.

You'll be in great shape in July, even though you might not think so. Mars will give you its energy, and there will be nothing you can't do, so don't sell yourself short. Unfortunately, due to the influence of this planet, you'll also be more impulsive and restless than usual, and this will lead to many confrontations with others who won't be able to keep up with you. You'll be avoiding such people, even though you may have been inseparable in the past.

What's happening here, Aquarius? You're feeling far more talkative than usual. You want to share what you've been reflecting on and to talk through some big thoughts you've had recently - especially around your personal values. You're ready to make real change, and you're recognizing that the way to do that is through small adjustments to your daily routine and letting go of unhelpful habits. And you're keen to share these revelations with the people around you.

Aside from that, romance is in the air for you, Aquarius. You're ready to bring more fun into your life in this area. Let go of any self-consciousness and embrace the joy. Towards the end of the month, you'll be focusing on the committed relationships you have in your life and how to keep this joyful energy going. You're letting go of the past and embracing the way forward.

Looking within could provide clues to help your work scene on the 8th. Your intuition is particularly strong on the 18th. Impulsive speech could get you into trouble on the 21st.

This is the time for you to reap the rewards of all the hard work and begin a new phase. You may get a new job offer from an organization you always wanted to work at. You'll feel a sense of completion, success, and fulfillment. You'll also find your soulmate. Your health will remain good throughout the month.

When Neptune retrogrades, you're asked to make sure that you're being properly compensated for your time. Mercury moves into your romantic 7th House, which could see casual hook-ups becoming more serious. While a new moon in Cancer is a gentle reminder to rest, a full moon in Capricorn later in the month could see you feeling a bit burnt out.

And, while you're already pretty good about understanding whose opinion matters, Pallas retrograde may see you changing your relationship with social media or deciding that certain people aren't worth your time. Mars brings fireworks to long-term relationships, and when Leo season begins, you're enjoying your most important friendships more than ever.

And, at the end of July, thanks to moves from Mercury and Chiron, the wounded healer, you may rethink how you communicate and decide to keep things close to your chest.



January 21 - February 19










"Being Aquarius is creative! Besides my acute sense of art, I believe in giving the best kick-starts. Call me an absolute dreamer while I’m popular for my eccentric approach. Here I am, tend to hold the future of an artist, painter or philosopher."


Often considered the most enigmatic of the zodiac children, Aquarians are fiercely individualistic and independent intellectuals who rarely form permanent relationships with anyone. Nevertheless, they are also noted for being friendly, kind, helpful, and caring; and they are possessed of deep humanitarian instincts. Still. they always remain quintessentially private people. Aquarians are gifted with inventiveness, originality. and creativity, and they are equally comfortable working in such disparate worlds as social work and science.

Highly Compatible Zodiac


Progressive , Independent , Humanitarian


Temperamental , Uncompromising , Aloof

Favorable Colors

Light purpleSilver

Favorable Numbers


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