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Scorpio Monthly Horoscope Prediction

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Scorpio for July 2024

Scorpio, July 2024 is going to bring a lot of big changes to your life. You'll feel like a completely new person who needs to update your current lifestyle. This will be connected to better physical health because you might start exercising and eating better too.

Be social; you might meet someone who would introduce you to a new community that fits your new self and where you could make new friends and connections. Don't leave your partner out of your activities; otherwise, you might regret it.

There will be a lot of changes for you in July, Scorpio. Thanks to Uranus, you'll want to explore new things and experiment. Since this will help you in many parts of life, you'll stick with this mindset even in the future. Unfortunately, your relationship might not work well for you because of this attitude, unless your partner shares the same views. However, if your partner wants to keep their feet on the ground, you'll be incompatible, and you'll stand up for yourself, which could cause you to say things you never meant to say out loud.

You want more control over how people see you. In July, that will mean looking at how you spend your time and how you present yourself. Are you in the places you want to be in? Are you attracting the right people into your life? Are you doing what you really want to be doing?

An authority figure in your life can bring in some balance - and they might inspire you to find this side of yourself, too. Because you feel comfortable with them, you'll find yourself opening up and digging deeper into your personal healing. You know there are parts of your mindset you want to change and you're motivated to get to work, especially with your co-ruler Mars entering Gemini.

Chances to show off your talents, abilities, and hard work will be available towards the end of the month. When these come up, don't take criticism too seriously, especially if the criticism is helpful. Although these critiques can be upsetting, be open-minded as these suggestions can support your cause.

The 5th would be a great day to finish up something that you've been working on. A feeling about making more money is yours on the 21st. Avoid the tendency to be stubborn with others by doing a solo project on the 23rd.

New opportunities are coming your way soon. A new project you take on will leave you satisfied, emotionally too. A female senior at work or your mother back at home will help you get through any troubles in the new month and help you to do better in life. You might get into a romantic relationship during the month. Avoid blocking your emotions and speak to people you trust or it might harm your health. Try getting into a physical activity for better health.

Neptune retrogrades in Pisces and your 5th House of Pleasure, leading you to change how you celebrate yourself and perhaps value privacy more. During the Cancer new moon, you are tasked with finding new ways to handle stress and anxiety.

Thanks to wise Pallas ending its retrograde and going direct in your sign, you'll feel more grounded this month. In exciting news, opulent Venus moves into your ambitious 10th House, bringing potential fame your way. A full moon in Capricorn is accented by your two ruling planets, Mars and Pluto, forming a positive aspect with one another, bringing luck to an otherwise rocky day.

When the sun moves into Leo, your 10th House further gets the spotlight, indicating that it's a great month to get ahead professionally. However, because Chiron, the wounded healer, goes retrograde in your 6th House of Health, you simply must maintain a healthy work/life balance.



Octomber 24 - November 22










"I am mysterious and secretive in my ways. Cleverness and perceptiveness are my nature. Me Scorpio, I am highly suspicious, ambitious, focused and competitive. I may experience extreme highs and lows but you feel deeply connected and protected around me."


Mysterious Scorpios are deep-thinking, private, intense, very sexual, and always a step removed from the world. Because of their intensity and an obsessive need for privacy, there is often an aura of “danger” around Scorpios — a trait they share, of course, with the deadly Scorpion that symbolizes their sign. But this is only one facet of the rather complex Scorpio personality. They can be driven workers and achievers with the ability to overcome enormously challenging obstacles. They also value their intimate relationships and their friendships quite highly and Work hard to encourage the best in those they love.

Highly Compatible Zodiac


Resourceful , Brave , Atrue Friend


Distrusting , Jealous , Violent

Favorable Colors


Favorable Numbers


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